
Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Move, Nourish, Believe.

Hey all..  How has March been treating you so far? My mum used to always say that March marches past fast .. It usually is the month of school exams.. It just goes too fast preparing for exams and stuff... Years after leaving school , I still feel month of March marches really fast.. First week is already gone and the soon it will be the end of first quarter of 2016. I have been busy reading books.. I am reading 3 now. I never do this .. I never start one book and move to the other without completing it.  I guess there is always a first time for everything :P . So the first one I am reading is Lorna Jane's MOVE NOURISH and BELIEVE... I don't review self help/lifestyle/memoir books.. There would always be parts you can relate to , parts you will find preachy, parts you don't agree .. So I've decided to take the good things ( from the book ) that suits me and leave the rest  :-)

It is such a simple logic to weightloss and healthy living. The book is absolutely simple and tells how following these three little steps ( philosophy ), you can achieve healthy life style. Thinking of it , honestly , it is so simple.. We will have to ensure we move enough and nourish our body with real food and not junk and then the best part is to believe we can achieve it .. To me, it is all about Belief without which it is impossible.. Belief installs self discipline in me.. The book definitely has made a positive impact on me ... Sometimes , all you need perspective in simple words.. If you get a chance , read it .. It would give you that extra umph..If you want to know more about Lorna Jane Clarkson and her philosophy , go to her website ..

The book is definitely inspirational.. My best takeaway from the book is keep my healthy lifestyle plan simple and just follow the principle Move , Nourish and Believe.. Such lovely thought to ponder on International Women's day.. Yeah .. how did you guys celebrate it ? My hubby wished me on the end of the day ( Better late than never :P ) .. Do women really celebrate it ? I doubt.. It is more commercial than real.. ( my opinion.. correct me if I am wrong :P )

I think I have mentioned how much I like the concept of establishing a morning routine .. Madame chic author Jennifer also speaks about it this week.. Watch it here.. Daily Connoisseur

Grab your coffee and read the best health, fitness and blog links of this week from Skinnyfitalicious here . - Skinnyfitalicious

Will catch up with you all next week with more fun things to read . I have got a busy weekend ahead until then see ya ..bye bye ..

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Talks of diversity ...

Hey all, How did the weekend treat you all ? My weekend was busy with the usual stuff ( grocery shopping, socialising , watching movies etc :P ) .. But what was more interesting was the 88th Oscars this week .. I saw it Monday afternoon ( in Australia , you see :P ..)  The sparkling Hollywood celebrities and the tantalizing show ... Did you guys watch ? The start was epic and very brave. The entire opening monologue of Chris Rock was just so good. Rock said in his initial words as host, "Well, I'm here at the Academy Awards, otherwise known as the White People's Choice Awards." . He nailed it when he said it was opportunity that they lack. Hats off to him.. Loved that !!! Talks of diversity continued throughout the four hour broadcast.

Oh my word, Priyanka Chopra.. she looked absolutely stunning and did pretty well in presenting the award .. :-) An Indian at Oscars podium is special, be it presenting or receiving... I do not follow Hollywood closely. To me watching Oscars is like getting to know them. I was so keen this year because I had watched quite a few of the Oscar nominees. I had personal favourites .. So the entire thing was enjoyable although I didn't follow them fully :P . Leonardo DiCaprio ( ahhh finally .. ) and Brie Larson were my personal favourites.. Brie Larson made me cry in The Room .. I also loved Mark Ruffalo in Spotlight.. And  the Mad Max : Fury Road was an entirely different experience . No wonder it won 6 Oscars .. After the Oscars, I so want to watch Eddie Redmayne in the  The Danish girl ... ahhhh well well , I can keep jabbering away about the whole Oscars thingie .. might be boring for some :P

Oh, I almost forgot to mention ( I am lying :P ) my blog has reached 1000 views this week.. The moment I mentioned this to my hubby , he asked , "is it 1000 views a day ???????? " .. Hahahahah .. No silly, in total... It might be little but definitely an achievement to me .. It has motivated me enough to post every so often ..
I recently read a post of Erin which says blogging is like having a relationship which is so true.. You can read it here.
With just last few weeks of summer left in Victoria Oz, I need to get prepared for Autumn....oops, we are in March its technically Autumn already :P... It sometimes feels weird when most of the world is getting prepared for summer, I need to do the opposite.. Hahah.. I shall keep you all posted.. :-)