
Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The Throid Madness !

Hypothyroidism has become a regular topic of discussion between our friends these days .. After hearing a lot about hypothyroidism and being a victim of it myself, I know how hard it can be to overcome its symptoms even after being treated. Be it natural or synthetic medicines , the symptoms take time to reduce and in my opinion doesn't disappear completely... To begin with, let me tell you , I am not a doctor and do not possess any medical qualifications to advice.. I am gonna give you few suggestions that seem to work and which I personally follow.

Of course, you need to consult a doctor and do the tests and get treated first. Once you start your treatment, your mood will definitely become better. Well, I mean it ..This hypothyroidism messes with your moods ( I really do not want to swear :P ) . Depressions and mood swings would have definitely become your regular thing.. But I know, that's so not you.. Hence treating it with meds and bringing your T3, T4 and TSH to normal will help you become YOU again.

Well, if you are gonna live with it, you need to understand it. Establish a good relationship with it... It might sound stupid :P but that's how I see it .... Hypothyroidism slows down your metabolism. It reduces your stomach acid there by leading to lots of digestion issues.. Having warm water with lemon first thing in the morning or before breakfast and  a glass of diluted organic apple cider vinegar before a big meal will help reduce lot of digestive issues.

Now , lets target the other dreadful symptom of hypothyroidism.. Constipation.. Sluggish metabolism results in constipation and impacts gut health and ability to digest. The best remedy is to include probiotics in your diet.. Having good probiotics helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption. It modulates immune system and helps synthesis of vitamins.

I hear a lot of people complaining about hair loss and I have it too :P . Thinning of hair is a major problem with it. You need to get your iron levels checked and start including a good quality multivitamin supplement. I haven't had success in this area to be honest.. If anyone has any other ideas to help cope with this , please let me know :-)

Dry skin brushing is another boon for us. Dry body brushing is a traditional natural health practice, which involves brushing over the skin dry, followed by a shower or bath. Buy a good brush with natural bristles so that you don't hurt yourselves. I cant stress the goodness of this . It relaxes your nervous system and enables your lymphatic system to work efficiently. Waking up your lymphatic system is gonna make the job easier for your body to remove toxins. You don't want the garbage clearing system of your body clog :P. You can see how it is done in the below video.. You have loads of info about this on the net.

All the above tips might sound simple and is good for any normal person..That's right.. These little things are extra special for a person with hypothyroidism because of the benefits they provide.. Apart from this I have got to tell the usual thingy.. Exercise.. I am sure you've heard this from a lot of people and docs.. I am sure it helps and you know that :P

Some people say going gluten free helps hypothyroid patients but I am not too sure :P..  Haven't tried it... I am so keen in knowing what you guys or your friends do to tackle it . Keep me posted.


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