
Saturday, 16 January 2016

Coffee is my muse !!!

Why do weekends finish faster than the weekdays ? ( Isn't that what everybody feels eh? ) .. Everybody needs their muse to keep them going .. My hubby Mr. S needs his dose of cricket ( any sport for that matter .. ) , some need entertainment like movies , music etc..My muse is my coffee. ( no doubt about it :D ) ..yes, the caffeine kicks in some lovely thoughts and I truly agree to Cafe Coffee Day's tag line " A lot can happen over a coffee ".. With coffee in my hand I am unstoppable.. ( hahah .. nonstop nonsense :P )

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Something caught my attention last week and that was what I was musing over this weekend ..Did you read about Jennifer Lawrence's comment ( outburst) about smartphone use at the Golden Globes? Apparently The Hunger Games heroine J-Law had chided a reporter for using his smartphone at the Golden Globes press call.


I saw the entire video and it doesn't sound that bad after all but some feel J-Law was quite rude and some pointed out that the reporter sounded foreign and was may be using his phone to translate the question.  She has been criticised for this and this act of hers called for a lot of disagreement. The social media can sometimes be so unforgiving ..

I like J-Law .. Very spontaneous and humorous.. She could have put it in a different way even if it bothered her , considering she is a celebrity.. But for a person like me who speaks my heart out even before my head could process the thought , she was ok.. Both of them took it in a stride and they laughed and she answered the next question without any hesitation.. ( why trouble the 25 year old too much on her remark man !!! )

Whether she was right or wrong in saying that , rude or quirky ? I don't know . Sometimes I feel its ok and sometimes , it could have been better phrased.. I was just looking beyond the situation. What she said made more sense to me .. She said " You cant live your life behind your phone bro " .. That is so true.. That is my New Year Resolution and she kinda gave an apt one liner to it :P ( read the post about my resolution and you will know.. )

What is your muse and what was your weekend musing? Feel free to share with me :-) and btw whatever I said about Jennifer Lawrence and her comments were my personal opinion and you can have yours :)

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


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