
Sunday, 16 August 2015

A dive into 30's ...

Are you in the edge of completing 3 decades on this earth? Or have you just entered the sweet thirties of your life ? I know there is an awful lot of things that is expected of you in the late twenties or before you turn thirty ... All that said and done , there are certain things that you should know and do to dive into your thirties swiftly and come out successful ... Lets learn and follow them to make this transition super smooth..


The below are my list of to do's and what I have learnt from myself and others .. ( oh yes !! I am in my thirties :-) .. ) .. Well , I am following a certain things and trying to follow the rest. Not sure if I will be successful. Let me leave that to another post in my forties .. hahaha ..

To begin with ,what looks terrific on you in your twenties might look uhh.. little different in your thirties ... So my friends , I think the first thing we should do is update our fashion sense and dress accordingly.. I can see the men reading my blog snicker.. It applies to you as well my friends. The shapes of our body changes and I guess we should learn to embrace it.

Even if you are dressed in your best attire, you wont feel wonderful unless you have learnt to accept yourself the way you are. It doesn't matter if your bum looks big or your tummy pops out inspite of sucking it in... It has survived 30 long years and it definitely needs a hug :-) Learn to love yourself .

Stop comparing yourself with others. I know we have been doing it in our twenties but does it give us happiness ? Constantly comparing yourself with your peers will not help you achieve your goals. People will judge you always no matter what you do. So might as well do what we want to do.

Accepting yourself the way you are doesn't mean you wont strive to become better. Start exercising regularly. I cant stress enough on this point. I know it sounds cliché.. You don't want to look older than you are , do you ? Also, you want your body to be healthy enough to take you through the rest of your life.. Exercising once in a while does not count from now on ( I mean in your thirties .. ) . Make it a regular thing . Bring it into your daily routine.

Speaking of routine, I am sure we wouldn't have had one till now.. I didn't have one till about 3 weeks ago :P . I remember the days when I used to never follow a schedule for my breakfast, lunch and dinner. Didn't sleep on time. Not to mention, never woke up on time :-) Well, your youthful metabolism would have adjusted everything but now my friends, please sleep and wake up same time everyday. Trust me,setting that routine is gonna take you a long way ( I am sure all young parents would agree to this ) .

We have been asked to decide what we want to become at a really young age. Based on which we decide our subjects in year 11 and 12.  But I am not too sure if the decision taken at age 15 is even true. I didn't have the faintest idea of what I wanted to become then... So now is the right time to pursue your life's dream.. It can be anything - buying a house, writing a novel, starting a business, cycling .. Just believe in it and go for it..

You may feel that the carefree life of the twenties is coming to an end. Which is true in a financial sense. I know, gone are those days that could go bankrupt , the evening you received your salary .. You can no longer afford it :P .. That is why we should start saving .. Saving for a rainy day is a must Start saving one third of your salary ( or your husband's salary ;-)... ) as a must.. That's the first step to retire in style :-).

Realise how long your life is .. Don't let anybody else tell you life has to be 1) Marriage 2) Career 3) Kids. There is no time line or time limit. Figure out what you want to do and just go for it . Be the person who is actively looking for new things to learn. Learn a new language. Learn to cook. Learn to swim . Learn something that will help you fulfil your dream .. Learn Learn Learn .. Keep Learning ... Start reading and keep reading which will help you learn in some way.

During this process of growing up, we have lost sight of what we want . We say and do things to please others . I remember the days when I slogged in office simply because I couldn't say " No " to someone . I am sure, we would have gone through many such scenarios in the walks of our life.. All I could say is please Grow a pair and learn to say " No " ( excuse the pun :P ) in a simple way. Never be rude while doing this coz you never know , you can misconstrued and thereby spoiling a good relation.

These relations or say connections are extremely important these days .  They call it Guangxi in Chinese.. It is networking they say. It is not what you know but who you know . Get out there and start building your own network :-)

Learn to tell stories.. Yes , you read it right , learn to tell stories.. I was always told to shut up and speak little as possible but unless you are heard in this big world, you cant make an impact. Just learn to talk in a succinct and engaging manner.

Alright , alright RELAX.. You are definitely doing OK. You are a good person and trying to do better. Nobody has everything figured out. That's the whole point and fun of life.. Don't let the twenties in you die .. It is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring !!!!

If you have a different list for your thirties, share your thoughts..


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